Curried Beef Stew

My friend Lorena gave me a fabulous cookbook the last night I was in Trinidad. I read it at the airport, on the plane, and when I came home. I couldn't wait to try some of the recipes. This recipe is inspired from this cookbook.

Curried Beef Stew


1 pound chuck stew meat
1 medium rutabaga peeled and chopped (substitute with potatoes, or any root vegetable)
1 tsp black pepper
4 tsp curry powder
2 tbsp olive oil
5 garlic cloves minced
1 small sweet onion sliced thinly
4 tbsp minced green seasoning (Shadow Beni) 

I never knew what Shadow Beni was until I went to Maracas Beach. I went to get a shark bake sandwich, and there were so many choices of toppings. I tried the "green sauce".  When my friends saw how much I put on my sandwich, they asked me if I had it before. I said I didn't even know what it was. That is when they told me it was Shadow Beni. I liked it very much, but I put way too much on my sandwich. It was a bit overwhelming. I bought a bottle of Shadow Beni from a vendor near the Savanna in Trinidad to bring home. The woman who sold it to me told me that I can season any meat or fish with it. This special green seasoning adds so much flavor. The link below explains Shadow Beni in much more detail. 


Season meat with salt, pepper, and green seasoning and set aside. In a large pot, saute onions until translucent on medium low heat (5 minutes). Add garlic and curry powder, saute for 2 more minutes. Then add the seasoned meat, brown on all sides, and stir well. Lastly, add the chopped rutabaga and water to cover everything in the pot. Cover, bring to a boil, and simmer until almost all the liquid is soaked, or until desired amount of sauce remains.

Let's travel to new places and experience new dishes.


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